Jan 27, 2023

SIXTH WEEK (23/01/2023 TO 27/01/2023)

 23/01/2023- Today we are assigned to take control students for the film fest. In the morning from 9.30 to 12.30 pm students of standard sixth to eighth were allotted to watch the movie.In the afternoon section for nineth and tenth standard students. In the first twenty minutes there was an awareness documentry about drugs and corona virus.After that a malayalam movie were shown. So today I didn't get the class for teaching.

24/01/2023- Today I was assigned to take class for eight g and today I demonstrate my innovate work.They liked my work and understand  about phrasal verbs. They have previous knowledge about phrasal verbs and they are familiar with some of the common phrasal verbs.Phrasal verbs helps to improve English.A phrasal verb is exactly like it sounds. It is a phrase of at least two words that acts like a verb, so it is the action of a sentence.

On this day at evening a small function was conducted in the school . The school has honoured  the students who got medals in the state school games. The school has got two gold medal and one silver medal. The cheif guest for this function was the president of Attingal municipality. And other dignitaries on the stage are Headmaster Kavitha ma'am, principal ma'am, PTA president , Ward member and Attingal  Karatte Team,s coach and present school Karatte master. The school has providing a Karatte class for the high school students in the evening. So on this day the uniform kit was also distributed.They named the coaching of karatte as 'KARUTHU'.

25/01/2023 - It was a sad day because one of the teacher has passed away. So as a part of this the school has given a holiday for students. Radhamoni teacher, she was the chemistry teacher. She is in long leave due to some health issues .So we the teaching staffs non-teaching staff and teacher trainees went to the teachers house to join with the sorrow of the withdrawal of dear Radhamoni teacher.

26/01/2023 - It is a good day. Because it is 74th republic day. The function were started at 8.00 am in the morning. The respected principal has hosted the flag. Teaching staff, teacher trainees and the students of student police, Guide, NSS, NCC was there.After the flag hosting sweets were distributed.Around 9.30 the function were wind-up.

27/01/2023- On this day I was assigned to take class for eighth g. On this day there was program named 'NIYAMA SABHAYE ARIYAN' .It was a nice program students can clear their doubts regarding law and justice and also our legislative assembly. It was started by 10.00 am in the school auditorium and at 12.30 pm it has finished.

On this day there was a 3D cinema running outside in a carrivon bus. The students who wish to watch the cinema should paid 100 rupees at the time of entry.  

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Eighth week (01/08/2023 and 02/08/2023

Goverment Girls Higher Secondary School has Student Police Cadet unit , so on SPC day they had hosted their flag. SPC day flag hosting Group...